
Fearless: this is the word that most accurately sums up Dean Grey’s decision to transition from a lucrative career in network marketing and motivational speaking to a career as a groundbreaking entrepreneur in the tech industry. Grey has always been known for his fearlessness in business, as well as his resilience and ability to overcome challenges with a sense of poise and determination that is becoming more and more rare in a world where immediate gratification is the standard, and working hard to get what you want is nearly obsolete.

But is Dean Grey’s transition to the tech industry as surprising as it initially seems? Grey has built his career on a foundation of inter connectivity between professionals of all different levels, spending the past several decades developing teams in 18 different countries. As such, Grey is very familiar with the importance that team building and networking has for a person’s professional trajectory, so, doesn’t it make sense that he would excel in an industry whose current primary focus is finding different ways of bringing people together, in both a social and professional capacity?

Creating Professional Communities with Mobile Apps

Skylab Apps is Dean Grey’s tangible vision for creating a global community through the power of mobile applications. Designed exclusively for influence rs and brands to empower their fan base and facilitate change throughout the world, Skylab Apps honors the visions of thought leaders by enabling them to raise awareness of their movements on a global scale. Like much of Grey’s work, Skylab Apps strives to achieve inclusivity, providing a platform for both multi-million dollar brands and emerging small businesses and non-profits to impact the business world.

Despite Grey’s impressive legacy of business success, deciding to try his hand in a completely different industry while simultaneously risking much of the savings he has accumulated over the years is exactly the kind of leap of faith that has gotten him to where he is today. Dreams are not handed over on a silver platter – they must be pursued with passion, diligence, and often risk.

To make such a significant change in his career path, Dean Grey followed the advice of a concept he developed early in his career: anchoring your decisions. Anyone can make a decision spontaneously, but the key is sticking to your decision once the emotion behind it has faded. Willpower is not enough – you have to hold yourself accountable, and have others do the same. Through constant positive affirmations and maintaining a state of productivity and forward movement, anything can be achieved.
