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Dean Grey, Relying on Others for Support


Dean Grey, Relying on Others for Support

Everyone wants to find success in both their personal and professional lives, but it is impossible to avoid setbacks and difficulties on our journeys. Often, the difference between coming out on top and falling behind is a matter of perspective and perseverance in the face of dark times. It takes a number of characteristics, as well the support of friends and family, to find the strength to focus on what truly matters in our lives.

The Importance of Community

For Dean Grey, inspiration in the face of adversity is about surrounding yourself with a community of individuals who are focused on success. Especially in our professional lives, it is important to know where we can turn to for strength and guidance. That is why professional networks are crucial for success. Freestyle is Dean Grey’s answer to this challenge. His company is focused on provide professional life coaching to entrepreneurs who lack the resources or information necessary to face hard times. Freestyle has helped millions of actors, singers, artists, and entrepreneurs around the world find success despite personal challenges. Networks and communities such as these are important to have in an increasingly competitive world of global business.





Dean Grey, Healthy Communities and Technology


Dean Grey, Healthy Communities and Technology

For a woman or a man aiming to keep ahead of the curve, it is important to stay involved in communities that are important to our daily lives and personal health. This is easier than ever thanks to recent advances in science and technology, chief among them the ubiquitous nature of mobile devices, social media, and smart phone apps. These technologies have huge potential for making positive and lasting impacts on the health of individuals and community members around the world.

What Does Online Health Look Like?

Applications such as Dean Grey’s Skylab Medical help individuals develop healthy lifestyles by bringing together the knowledge of top industry professionals through an online platform of community members. Skylab Medical helps individuals access training, videos, personal development tools, and share information with community members on the same path towards pursuing their personal health and fitness goals. As a mobile app, it can be used any time and anywhere, so there is no excuse for not finding the time to take care of yourself. Apps such as Skylab Medical are making lasting impacts on the future of personal health and the role that mobile devices play in creating communities of like-minded individuals around the world.


Dean Grey, Skylab Apps and the New Marketing World


Dean Grey, Skylab Apps and the New Marketing World

In modern business practices it can be difficult to connect with one’s customer base because consumers are often overwhelmed by the amount of advertisement they see each day. Even the best marketing strategy can be overlooked because they are simply lost in the saturated environment of media that has been created for the public. Business need to find new and more engaging ways for the public to experience and interact with their products and causes. According to marketing professional Dean Grey on, the future of marketing and business lies in gamified social learning platforms. Platforms such as Skylab Apps are making it fun and easy for businesses to stay connected to customers around the world.

Skylab Apps and the Future

Skylab Apps creates social platforms for companies that are hoping to engage their customers through direct interactions with messages, photo sharing, and video. In order to counteract the over-saturated marketing world, "Skylab's gamification allows major brands to laser target consumers, eliminate marketing clutter while building new incremental revenue streams. Most all of consumers feel they are unlocking rewards vs. being advertised to." Customers benefit from a marketing environment that they feel connected to, motivating them to grown and learn within a businesses environment and goals.


Dean Grey, Inspiring Through Learning


Dean Grey, Inspiring Through Learning

Dean Grey, Inspiring Through Learning
Dean Grey, Inspiring Through Learning

Who are the leaders on the forefront of the business world? They are unique and ambitious individuals with a keen eye for markets and sights set on the future of global industries. It is important to recognize that the world is hardly divided into separate geographical markets anymore. With recent advances in science and technology, communities are no longer bound by physical limitations. Online, digital, or mobile device based communities are legitimate markets that professionals have targeted in order to make money and change the world. Dean Grey is one such individual who harnessed the power of modern technology in order to reach a large audience for his entrepreneurial career. His focus on globalization and technology has established him as one of the most innovative and insightful business professionals in the world.

Technology and Marketing Together

For Dean Grey, bringing marketing to technology was a way of reaching individuals around the world. His early success in direct sales gave him the marketing experience he needed to handle global business. Having traveled to more than eighteen countries around the world as a performer and artist, Dean Grey recognized the common need and desire for people to remain connected to their communities. Dean Grey realized that his desire for connectivity was something that could uniquely benefit from the technology boom of recent decades. He has since designed programs and applications aimed at helping communities to stay connected and reach out to individuals around the world.

Dean Grey’s primary outlet for this is the mobile company Skylab Apps, of which he is both founder and Chief Executive Officer. Skylab Apps, founded in 2015, provides international organizations, speakers, authors, athletes, and entrepreneurs a gamified social learning platform to engage, track, and monetize on their communities. There are three modern elements in play in this business design: mobility, social learning, and gamification. Mobility refers to the fact that Skylab is built to function on mobile devices. This allows users around the world to stay connected around the clock. Social learning is a relatively old concept that has been reborn in the modern age. Social learning simply means that individuals learn from the people around them. With the Skylab Platform, this means that users are able to chat and interact with other users.

A man aiming to keep ahead of the curve, Dean Grey has made the platform fun and easy to use through gamification. This means that users can score points, engage in competitions, track results, and generally stay more engaged to Skylab because it is enjoyable to use.



Dean Grey, Gamified Social Learning


Dean Grey, Gamified Social Learning

There is a new concept in the world of marketing, social media, and communication that is taking multiple industries by storm: gamification. Gamification is the use of typical ‘game’ elements such as point scoring, competition, and awards, to motivate individuals to participate in activities around a topic, organization, or cause. The power of gamification comes from its ability to engage people, at the same time educating them about the platform they are using. Entrepreneur and professional life coach Dean Grey has developed a leading gamification platform called Skylab Apps. His company empowers lifestyle brands, coaches, and influences to develop and educate their community of users.

Influence Around the World

Dean Grey
Dean Grey

Viewing Dean Grey’s professional profile on LinkedIn, his commitment to helping individuals build their communities becomes evident. After finding early success as an entrepreneur through direct selling methods, Dean Grey realized that he had a knack for business, which other people could directly benefit from. Having had multiple influential mentors in his life, Dean Grey realized that he could turn his passion for success and helping others into a lucrative business opportunity. At the same time, he could develop a business and industry that was something he cared about.

Dean Grey entered the gamification world as a way to reach a large market audience with a software platform designed to engage users. For individuals hoping to grow their community-based businesses and causes, the Skylab platform provides gamified apps designed to fit individual brands. The Skylab platform uses chat, habit tracking, voting contests, multimedia channels, social recognition, and, of course, gamified training, to help corporations attract and hold the attention of customers surrounding their product or cause.

Dean Grey on Pinterest, extols the belief that “networking is the best path to a fruitful career”. This is why Dean has chosen to enter the gamification industry with the intent of helping businesses build their community interactions. The beauty of gamification is that users feel they are unlocking awards, rather than being directly advertised to. Users feel that they are more involved and included in the community surrounding the product because they receive direct social rewards from their peers, as well as points and awards for staying involved. Gamification makes using platforms fun, rather than a chore. Dean Grey quickly recognized this power, as well as the growing trend in the use of mobile devices. By riding this trend, Dean Grey has ensured that his gamification platform, Skylab Apps, will remain competitive and influential for years to come.


Dean Grey, Networking is the Best Path to a Fruitful Career in the Tech Industry


Dean Grey, Networking is the Best Path to a Fruitful Career in the Tech Industry

Often, the word “entrepreneur” conveys the idea of singularity; that whatever is sought after and achieved is an independent journey devoid of partnerships or collaborations. Dean Grey has been through many professional ups and downs, which have taught him that this notion couldn’t be further from the truth. Though an idea may arise from a singular person or entity, the nature of entrepreneurship is actually rooted in the awareness that success comes from a network of professional alliances and support, as well as the fact that entrepreneurship often involves the perseverance and commitment to overcome adversity.

From Network Marketing to Tech Guru

Dean Grey first achieved international fame in the business world through his high-level accomplishments in network marketing, as well as the time he spent traveling around the world as a motivational speaker. Like all great entrepreneurs, Grey eventually realized that the skills he had been cultivating could be used to reach a much wider audience, but in a larger and more lucrative industry: technology. Though Grey had little experience in the tech field, he knew he could use his expertise in networking as a way to develop technology-focused organizations aiming to facilitate change on a global scale.

Always driven by an insatiable ambition, Dean Grey rapidly took the tech industry by storm, using his creativity to develop two highly prosperous application companies, Zooplr and Skylab Apps. Zooplr, which he founded in 2011, is a groundbreaking mobile application that brings chat, blogging, and eLearning together for the first time, helping entrepreneurs and other brilliant minds educate and redefine communication through their smart phones. Only six months after its launch, Zooplr was acquired by one of Silicon Valley’s most successful entrepreneurs.

Skylab Apps followed the success of Zooplr in 2015, as an online platform that provides international organizations, speakers, authors, athletes, and entrepreneurs with a gamified social learning platform to engage, track, and monetize their communities. For Grey, enabling companies and brands to connect with their clients and fans in a simple and fun way is at the heart of what technology is all about.

More than anything, Dean Grey’s story exemplifies the entrepreneurial spirit by demonstrating the importance of getting out of your comfort zone in order to achieve success. Entrepreneurial endeavors are inherently risky, but if you’re willing to put in the time and effort it takes to learn your craft well, then you will also reap the rewards.



Dean Grey, Tackling the Tech Industry : The Soul of a True Entrepreneur


Dean Grey, Tackling the Tech Industry : The Soul of a True Entrepreneur


Fearless: this is the word that most accurately sums up Dean Grey’s decision to transition from a lucrative career in network marketing and motivational speaking to a career as a groundbreaking entrepreneur in the tech industry. Grey has always been known for his fearlessness in business, as well as his resilience and ability to overcome challenges with a sense of poise and determination that is becoming more and more rare in a world where immediate gratification is the standard, and working hard to get what you want is nearly obsolete.

But is Dean Grey’s transition to the tech industry as surprising as it initially seems? Grey has built his career on a foundation of inter connectivity between professionals of all different levels, spending the past several decades developing teams in 18 different countries. As such, Grey is very familiar with the importance that team building and networking has for a person’s professional trajectory, so, doesn’t it make sense that he would excel in an industry whose current primary focus is finding different ways of bringing people together, in both a social and professional capacity?

Creating Professional Communities with Mobile Apps

Skylab Apps is Dean Grey’s tangible vision for creating a global community through the power of mobile applications. Designed exclusively for influence rs and brands to empower their fan base and facilitate change throughout the world, Skylab Apps honors the visions of thought leaders by enabling them to raise awareness of their movements on a global scale. Like much of Grey’s work, Skylab Apps strives to achieve inclusivity, providing a platform for both multi-million dollar brands and emerging small businesses and non-profits to impact the business world.

Despite Grey’s impressive legacy of business success, deciding to try his hand in a completely different industry while simultaneously risking much of the savings he has accumulated over the years is exactly the kind of leap of faith that has gotten him to where he is today. Dreams are not handed over on a silver platter – they must be pursued with passion, diligence, and often risk.

To make such a significant change in his career path, Dean Grey followed the advice of a concept he developed early in his career: anchoring your decisions. Anyone can make a decision spontaneously, but the key is sticking to your decision once the emotion behind it has faded. Willpower is not enough – you have to hold yourself accountable, and have others do the same. Through constant positive affirmations and maintaining a state of productivity and forward movement, anything can be achieved.


Dean Grey, Building Digital Communities of Entrepreneurs


Dean Grey, Building Digital Communities of Entrepreneurs

There is no denying that the world has gone mobile. Everywhere you turn, people are glued to a variety of smart devices that have changed the way we go about our daily lives. The world is constantly changing, and there has never been a better moment for entrepreneurs like Dean Grey to take advantage of the new and exciting opportunities that technology has made possible.

One of the most popular ways technology has revolutionized our lives is through social media. Features such as comments, likes, messaging, photo sharing, and more have brought people from all over the world together on a singular platform, such as Facebook or Twitter, so that they can communicate with one another and share ideas and opinions. This type of technological convenience and effectiveness is exactly what inspired Dean Grey to move from a career in network marketing, to a career in the tech industry. By applying the advantages of social media to business, Grey has created an innovative company that is transforming the way aspiring entrepreneurs transmit their ideas to the world.

An Innovative Way to Share Ideas

Dean Grey’s company, Zooplr, is a mobile “social learning platform” designed to dramatically improve the way people communicate, acquire, and apply knowledge. At its core, Zooplr strives to help people access, follow, and learn from the world’s most brilliant minds. With one easy-to-use platform, Zooplr elegantly organizes content from the world’s top minds so that users can discover and follow the experts they love while also receiving up-to-the-minute notifications about their new teachings. Through a combination of communication, content consumption, and eLearning, Zooplr is quickly becoming one of the most popular mobile technologies around.

Dean Grey’s entire career has been built upon the idea of inter connectivity, which is why his designing of Zooplr specifically focused on bridging the gap between today’s brilliant minds and the people who want to access them. Grey’s professional career took off when someone more established in the business world decided to give him an opportunity that changed his life. Passing on this kind of opportunity is what makes Zooplr such a unique mobile application.

Dean Grey believes that every single person is an expert at something, and that everyone has an ingenious idea they want to share with the world. Zooplr enables anyone to take a good idea, record it, and share it with millions of people around the globe. By harnessing the power of social media, Grey has cultivated a community of forward-thinking entrepreneurs and given them the key to realizing their dreams.
